Saturday, December 22, 2007

Acne remedies and solutions

Acne occurs mostly during adolescence. Nearly 85% of adolescents are affected by Acne, which often continues into adulthood. Despite the fact that it appears to reduce Acne into the early twenties, he was not sure how long the problem might persist and that often tends to turn up later in life as some people still thinking suffer thirty or more.

Acne occurs in the areas of the skin that has a greater concentration of sebaceous glands. The face and upper neck are the most affected. In many cases, chest, back and shoulders are also affected. The problems caused by different Acne scars are psychological, mostly. It often causes reduced self-esteem, depression and in extreme cases, but rarely, even suicide. Acne As usually happens at the time of adolescence when people tend to be socially insecure and confused, early and aggressive treatment is essential to reduce the psychological impact. There are several medications for Acne. The topical medications applied directly onto the skin, whereas the oral medication are also available. Other drugs are also available to be injected into the cysts or acne pustules. It may require a combination of all surgical treatments, and sometimes too dear. These treatments take several weeks to work, and sometimes the skin looks worse before it improves. Prescription Medicines include cleaning items, creams, lotions and gels aimed at reducing the amount of oil and / or bacteria in the pores. These drugs often include Benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, Resorcinol, salicylic acid, antibiotics, Tretinoin, Adapalene, Azelaic acid, and Tazarotene. Prescription medications include oral antibiotics, medicines for hormone-related acne and derivatives of vitamin A called \"retinoids\" which are generally used for moderate to severe cases of Acne. These drugs can be very expensive, especially as they often need to be continued over a long period of time. The online pharmacies, once again, have come to the rescue on this matter. Proper Acne drugs are now readily available on-line pharmacies. They can be ordered online with just a click of the mouse and the necessary drugs can be delivered at your doorstep. Online pharmacies have really come a long way to help patients receiving treatments Acne easy.

This article and others about acne can be found on

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